r 产品名称:SABINAS CHAIR 萨拜娜 产品尺寸:61*56*80CM r
rr 产品材质:玻璃钢 包装尺寸:71*6*90 CMr
rr 产品体积: 0.27 r
rr 产品颜色:颜色多选,可定制r
rr Javier Mariscal is, First and foremost, an image creator who develops his work using all kinds of supports and disciplines. Furniture design, painting, sculpture, illustrations, interior design, graphic design, landscaping , gardening and so on are all the object of his professional, vital activity. H e has collaborated with compa – nies such as Memphis, Akaba, Bidasoa, BD Ediciones de Dise ñ o, Moroso, Nani Mar quina, Vorwerk, Equipaje, Alessi, Sangetsu, Magis, Cosmic, Amat3, Santa&Cole, Lali que and Phaidon. Mariscal e xpresses himself using a personal language that is complex in its intention and simple in its statements, innocent yet provocative, that he uses to innovate, risk and communicate. He enjoys provoking the eyes that look at his works and creating complicity with them.r